Chengdu J-10

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Surface to Air Missiles

Surface to Air Missiles: Advanced Naval Defence Technology Unveiled


Exploring Pakistan's Advanced Cruise Missile Technology and Strategic Capabilities
Surface to Air Missiles
Surface-to-air missiles

Babur Series (Hatf VII) – Cruise Missiles:

1. Babur 1
   - Overview: Babur 1, also known as Hatf VII, is a pioneering cruise missile, showcasing Pakistan's prowess in missile technology.

2. Babur-1A
   - Overview: The evolution of Babur 1, the Babur-1A, marks advancements in cruise missile capabilities, enhancing precision and range.

3. Babur-1B
   - Overview: Babur-1B, another variant of Hatf VII, further refines the cruise missile technology, contributing to Pakistan's defence capabilities.

4. Babur 2
   - Overview: Babur 2, a continuation of the Hatf VII series, introduces enhanced features and extended range, bolstering strategic capabilities.

Ship-Launched Anti-Ship & Anti-Surface Guided Missiles:

5. Harbah
   - Overview: Harbah, a cruise missile designed for ship-launched operations, exemplifies Pakistan's commitment to naval defence and maritime security.

6. Zarb (C-602) – (China)
   - Overview: Zarb, with its C-602 variant from China, adds a collaborative dimension to naval warfare, offering advanced anti-ship capabilities.

7. C-802A – (China)
   - Overview: C-802A, a cruise missile from China, provides a comprehensive solution for anti-surface operations, showcasing international collaboration.

8. CM-302 – (China)
   - Overview: CM-302, a cruise missile with advanced features from China, reinforces the significance of international partnerships in missile development.

9. Harpoon Block-2 – (USA)
   - Overview: Harpoon Block-2, an active radar-homing guided missile from the USA, represents cutting-edge technology in anti-ship warfare.

10. Exocet SM-39 – (France)
   - Overview: Exocet SM-39, a GPS/INS guided missile from France, brings precision and reliability to anti-surface operations, showcasing French expertise.

Submarine-Launched Anti-Ship & Anti-Surface Guided Missiles:

11. Babur 3 (Hatf VII) – (Submarine-launched variant)
    - Overview: Babur 3, in its submarine-launched variant, expands Pakistan's maritime capabilities, demonstrating the integration of cruise missiles into submarine warfare.


Diving Deeper into Pakistan's Cruise Missile Arsenal – A Technological Marvel in Defence and Naval Warfare.

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